Thursday, August 16, 2012


Here are some fun pictures from a zombie walk last week. I have always wanted to photograph an event like this. I was quite impressed with the costumes, they were pretty elaborate with tons of fake blood and even some people were wearing color contact lens. The zombies were very believable playing the part running around grunting at people along the way. They even scared me a few times.

Random Sports

Good light at the Bees.

Good light during football practice.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Fireworks I've never been all that successful shooting fireworks...I always felt that it was my always a weakness of mine. This is a first for me...coming back from a 4th of July assignment with a fireworks picture I'm happy with.

Mascot I'm thinking that the man in the bear suit is silently cursing the group of heathen children who have surrounded him with water guns.

Rodeo!!! Indoor but still fun!

NAS at Twilight
