Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Rites of Life: New Life

These two photos belong to the first part of a ten part/month series on rites of passages through life. The series begins with birth and will end with death. Of course we began the series by spending sometime with a newborn baby. In this case Luke Kyle. If you have made it this far and are looking at these photos I encourage you to click on either of the photos to view the blog that has Liz's story and an audio slideshow.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

106 and still kickin

Click on photo below for an audio slideshow

Bernice is the coolest 106 year old lady I've ever met although she is the only 106 year old I've ever met so I guess it's all relative. The hair dresser said that she is quicker then the devil.

Some old pics

Sorry I've been so busy with stuff at work I haven't had a second to post anything so here are two older photos I've been wanting to post but haven't. The top one is from a play practice and the guy below is an extension agent what ever the hell that is.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Beards of the Burg

Last week I worked on a story for the N&A on beards. It was a hilarious time and reaffirmed my belief that men who can grow beards develop a strange relationship with their beards. Its something that I can't help but find pretty entertaining. Those who know me best know that I of course am a beard lover as well. Click on the photos below to see a funny slide show about beards in Lynchburg. Trust me it's worth the two minutes.
Click on photo below for a audio slide show