Monday, April 19, 2010

How to make a grown man cry

Step 1: Live below the Mason-Dixon line.

Step 2: Become a Confederate soldier re-enactor

Step 3: Attend the Appomattox Courthouse National Parks re-enactment of the south surrendering to the north thus ending the Civil War.

So again I was reminded what a yankee I am by yet another Civil War re-enactment. I was a little taken a back by seeing grown men cry because they have to surrender to people playing Union solders during a re-enactment at the Appomattox Courthouse. But what was even more surprising was seeing people in the crowd start crying. Ok I kinda understand the soldiers getting into their parts and what not but last time I checked the treaty between the north and the south was a good thing. If anything people should have started cheering. Regaurdless re-enactments are eye candy and a hoot to shoot. Here are a few frams from this weekend.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Time...ehhhh

More recent

Sorry I've been such a slacker lately but we really haven't had too much down are a few from the last couple of weeks.

Alex was such a character...according to him the blues are "junk" music...when I asked him what kind of music he played he said, "beautiful music".

Daffodil show
we kind of missed out on all of the good pictures this year of the participants getting the flowers ready but next year we will be there.


O yes another sunrise service...third year in a row.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Random catch up

Hey sorry for waiting so long to post something...but its been a hustle here the last few week.

Controlled burn

Kid on leashes always funny!!