Monday, April 19, 2010

How to make a grown man cry

Step 1: Live below the Mason-Dixon line.

Step 2: Become a Confederate soldier re-enactor

Step 3: Attend the Appomattox Courthouse National Parks re-enactment of the south surrendering to the north thus ending the Civil War.

So again I was reminded what a yankee I am by yet another Civil War re-enactment. I was a little taken a back by seeing grown men cry because they have to surrender to people playing Union solders during a re-enactment at the Appomattox Courthouse. But what was even more surprising was seeing people in the crowd start crying. Ok I kinda understand the soldiers getting into their parts and what not but last time I checked the treaty between the north and the south was a good thing. If anything people should have started cheering. Regaurdless re-enactments are eye candy and a hoot to shoot. Here are a few frams from this weekend.

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