Monday, December 27, 2010

On the Outside

I spent four months following Kevin and Marcus as they situated themselves back into society after spending years in prison. We were following them because they were part of a reentry program that was really helping people get back onto their feet. When we started the project this program was supposed to be expanding. About three months into our story we found out that they planned to actually cut the program. After spending time with these guys the news of cutting the program was devastating. Carrie (the reporter) and I really saw how much this program was helping these guys and couldn't believe the poor decision making that was going on in Richmond.

I have to say that I really learned a lot from these guys. Marcus and Kevin a proof that the stereotype of an ex felon is unfair and inaccurate. While there are people who get out of prison and keep going back to their life of crime, these guys were putting every once of time and energy into getting back to a normal lawful life.
Please check out the slideshow and read the stories by clicking here.

Mistletoe Marksman

Do you know where mistletoe comes from? I just assumed that it was some kind of bush you could just easily walk up to and cut a few pieces from. Not so! Mistletoe actually grows high up in dying oak trees and can be collected in either two ways....

1. Climb the tree and cut out the mistletoe. Which kind of makes sense and helps to keep the mistletoe intact.

or....the more exciting way...

2. Shoot the mistletoe out of the tree with a .22 rifle or a shotgun??!!!

WTF!!! Right I know it sounds so crazy that it can't be true but I promise you that yes it is true and also pretty fun to watch. Believe it or not, yours truly Kim Raff actually shot a piece out of the tree with a .22. That will go in my lock box of awesome stories on the job.

Check out the slideshow of my time with James Henderson....Click here

3 generations wreath makers..

I stumbled onto this story after pursuing the mistletoe story above. These women really took my by surprised and I was enchanted with their wreath workshop that was in a a hundred year old barn, complete with walls that shake with the wind, no heat, and no installed lights. Prettiest wreaths I've ever seen in my life (although I'm a Jew and not an expert on wreaths). Coolest thing is that the wreaths were made almost entirely of greenery and filler from their families property.

Anita gathering more supplies..

UPDATE random pics!!!

Now that I have a minute to post, here is a collection of pictures I like from the last month.

This one is for you mom.

For the fun of it...